On February 24, 2020 the original HVAC unit installed at the time of the FDC construction broke down beyond repair. The old unit lasted 16 years and more than exceeded its working life. With summer time approaching and a lead time to contend with, we ordered a new high efficiency HVAC unit which was installed on June 25, 2020. The cost of replacement was nearly $150,000.
Polls of all kinds seem to grab our interest, even if at times we disagree with the results. We are all unlikely to change our preconceived opinions, whether we’re discussing dish detergents, movies, or the daily stock averages. Yet we still listen for the poll results. We want to know what other people think. We either agree with or reject the results. Now along comes this famous gospel passage from St. Matthew, which can be interpreted as Our Lord taking a poll of His disciples about His identity, in which He uses of Himself that enigmatic title “the Son of Man.” The Apostles rattle off and answered the various accepted “labels” about Jesus formed from opinions of others. But Jesus’ query was: “Who do YOU say I am?”.