In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus invites us to take up our crosses and follow Him. That message we have certainly felt and have taken on these days. Apart from the crosses given to us individually, we are also carrying these heavy crosses of the pandemic.
We each respond differently to the invite to carry the cross. The most common response is to refuse the cross. Even Jesus, in His humanity has said it, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But not my will, but Yours be done.” The crosses God invites us to carry may be challenging, but certainly in the end, those crosses make us better people. Those crosses will transform us, much like the cross Christ bore, from the pains of Good Friday ushering to the glory of Easter. These are the necessary crosses we can carry and bear to lead us to become better.
But we certainly know through human experience that there are crosses that should pass by us. There are crosses that we need not carry or bear for through human selfishness, the weight of those crosses becomes unbearable- injustices, racism, violence, oppression and the like. These are the kinds of crosses that we can put a stop on. Crosses that we should refuse to carry. Crosses that are man-made and products of selfishness and hardheartedness. These are the kinds of crosses that would not produce anything that is good.
In this newsletter, I once again send you aids to make your Sunday holy- readings, homily, prayers and opportunities to do good, kindness and generosity as well as stewardship.
Our Masses this Sunday, June 28, are 9am and 11am. The 9am Mass is LIVE-Streamed. Those who are not comfortable attending Mass indoors but would like to receive communion, may follow the Mass in their cars at the back parking lot (front of FDC). Communion will be distributed as you exit.
Thank you for your continued kindness and instilled Christian courtesy. You conscientiously and thoughtfully follow our directives in safely reopening our church. Let us all observe the pandemic trifecta: Masks, Social distancing and Sanitizing. We cannot let down our guard at this point. We love to gather together at Mass. Let us continue to do so in the most cautious and safe way possible.