It is an opportune time we welcome to celebrate “In-Church” Sunday public Mass on the weekend of the Feasts of Corpus Christi. Our Masses this weekend: 9.30am and 12.30pm. Welcome back to our home St. Ann's parish family and friends.
Let us celebrate the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. At Mass this Sunday, let us ask God to end the Covid-19 pandemic and to heal our broken world. May true justice, equality and the end of racism be truly achieved.
As Catholics we support the call for an end to racism. We certainly do not condone violence. We also do not agree with the wrong path of peaceful protests culminating in violence, looting, damage to properties, injuring and hurting people (protesters, bystanders and police officers). It is our inherent right to voice out and demand to right the wrong but let us not rectify the wrong with yet another wrong! Peaceful protests are already showing its effectiveness, let us not ruin the good path it is leading us by adding violence and aggression to an already powerful tool.
While we reopen our church and celebrate Masses indoors, please do not disregard the fact that the virulent virus is still out there. This pandemic is so serious, for the health and safety of everyone, guidelines for our “limited” in-church Masses are in place. Please follow them. “Limited” refers to the number of persons who can attend, the number of Masses offered and the way we celebrate the Mass is also limited in some ways (no choirs, no congregational singing, communion only by hand and more). A detailed instruction will be given just before the Mass begins.
Our “limited” church capacity for now can only accommodate about 15% of our usual sitting capacity. We reserved the front pews for families, couples and people living in the same households to maximize our ability to accommodate Mass goers. Please come early, our ushers will guide you to our new seating configuration.
Mass is live-streamed. So, to those who could no longer be accommodated due to full capacity as well as to those uncomfortable attending the Mass indoors but would like to receive Holy Communion, kindly follow the Mass in your car. We have reserved for you the parking lot located on the right side of the solar panel facing the FDC entance. Communion will be distributed as you exit the lot through Rossa Avenue. And to those who couldn't come because of illness or other pandemic concerns, Sunday obligation is still suspended until September 7. Pls. join us via this link:
All these configurations are new to all of us. Please be courteous and be polite to our volunteers as they try to properly systematize the structure. Our outdoor Masses have been very successful, let us also make this comeback to Church Masses a success! Your cooperation and patience is needed. Please refer to the guidelines below:
Here at St. Ann's, we shall observe the following Guidelines for safe resumption of limited “in church” Sacramental Celebrations:
THE SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST 1. The dispensation from Sunday/Holy Day Mass obligation remains in effect until
Monday, September 7 (unless otherwise announced).
2. The celebration of limited “in church” public weekend Masses, with no more than
25% occupancy following social distancing guidelines, will begin on Sunday June
14, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
3. Weekday “in church” public Masses --- with no more than 50 persons attending ---
may begin on Monday, June 8, 2020.
4. Those who are hesitant or fearful because of COVID 19 concerns as well as those
with a COVID 19 diagnosis or symptoms, those who may be asymptomatic
carriers, those not feeling well, those with underlying health conditions or those in
a high-risk category should stay home and avoid any public gathering.
5. Temporary Mass schedules at this time:
Sundays: 9.30am & 12.30pm. Masses
will be added as needed and will be announced.
6. For everyone’s safety: Mask is a must and it should be worn at all times. Please
use hand sanitizers when coming in and going out of the church. Hand sanitizers
are located at entrances.
7. A single entrance to the church should be utilized to monitor the number of people
attending. All doors can be used for exiting church. For an orderly exit, dismissal
will be directed by our ushers, pew by pew.
8. Livestreaming of 9.30am Mass (not the 12.300m) shall continue. Thanks to
Michael Diao for his time, talent and lending us his treasure, his precious gadget.
9. Group devotional observances, including Children’s Liturgy of the Word and
parish social gatherings are suspended until further notice.
10. No public gatherings or greetings before or after Masses, at church
entrances/exits or on parish property are permitted.
11. All missals, hymnals, printed materials, pamphlets, etc., will not be used. They
have all been removed.
12. Sanitation of church before and after each Mass, using approved methods is
mandatory. If you are using your own wipes, please dispose of them properly
(not in the missalette pockets please).
13. Holy Water fonts or receptacles are to remain empty.
14. Restrooms are provided; they are sanitized regularly.
15. A cantor may sing behind a clear screen when in front of the assembly. Choirs
are not to be used. Congregational singing is discouraged to prevent any
possible spread of COVID 19.
16. The usual presentation of offertory gifts and physical contact of any kind at the
sign of peace is suspended.
17. Communion is restricted to the Sacred Host only and no chalice may be offered
or shared. Communion in the hand is strongly preferred. Communion ministers
must wear mask. Sanitizing spray must be available next to the minister.
18. There will be no communion line. Ministers will bring communion to you, passing
in between pews.
19. Priests will not receive or gather the faithful after the Mass.
20. Those uncomfortable attending the Mass indoors may follow the live-streamed
Mass in their cars at the parking lot.
21. In case of overflow and not everyone may be seated, the community room and
the chapel will be available for streaming.
THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1. The celebration of Baptism within Mass is suspended.
2. Baptisms outside of Mass are to be celebrated one family at a time.
3. Baptisms will be scheduled any day except Sunday.
4. The number attending should adhere to social distance guidelines with a
maximum of 25 persons.
5. Masks are to be worn by all present.
6. Only parents or godparents may hold the infant during the ceremonies.
7. Sanitizer should be used when there is any physical contact before, during or
after Baptism
8. Fresh baptismal water is to be blessed, used and disposed of after each
celebration. An implement should be utilized to pour the water in the act of
baptizing. Pouring the water by hands alone is prohibited.
9. The signing of the cross and anointings should be done with a cotton ball or
“Q-tip which should be burned or buried afterward.
10. Group photographs in church after the Baptism is limited.
11. The celebrant will not receive or make physical contact with the faithful
after the baptism; families should exit church immediately after Baptism
in an orderly manner.
THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY 1. Only the marriage ceremony (not Mass) may be celebrated in church
until further notice.
2. Number of persons in church should be limited to 25; live-streamed
ceremonies may also be offered.
3. All present must wear masks (except bride and groom).
4. Social distancing is to be observed throughout the celebration.
5. Worship aids or other booklets, hymnals, papers and programs are not to be
distributed/used in church.
6. Greeting at the doors is prohibited.
7. Celebrant will stand at least six feet from the couple, e.g. on the other side of altar.
8. Wedding rings should be held by the groom only.
9. The sign of peace and any physical contact between participants, except the
bride and groom, is prohibited.
10. The inclusion of particular or ethnic customs that might jeopardize social
distancing should be discouraged but may be determined by the celebrant.
11. Any receiving line is prohibited; participants should exit the church immediately
after the ceremony.
12. Group photographs in church after the ceremony are limited.
CATHOLIC FUNERALS IN CHURCH 1. All directives for the celebration of the public “in Church” Masses are
to be observed. Social distancing is to be maintained at all times and
masks are to be worn
2. Number of persons present should follow directives for public “in Church”
Masses, preferably 25.
3. The use of the pall is suspended
4. Live-streaming of the Mass is permitted
5. Eulogy is omitted
6. For the committal, the number of persons in attendance should follow NJ State
regulations for cemeteries and physical contact with those in attendance is
7. Memorial Masses may now be scheduled for those who lost family members
during the quarantine.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 1. Confession/Reconciliation will begin on June 13 from 4pm-5pm at the inside
garden that is located outside of the chapel.
2. Only one person is allowed inside the garden. Next penitent has to wait outside
or in car until after the person gets out of the garden
There is so much to remember in these new guidelines. So, let us all be patient and practice kindness and charity.
On a different note, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your positive response to the food drive last weekend. There may be a need for another drive though as only the New Beginnings Food Pantry received our gracious food gifts. The Mercer High School is continually looking forward to our usual 60 bags of food donations. We will schedule this on June 28th. Please continue to be as generous as you could be. We can do this.
Very soon July will be here. We look up to two beautiful events that happen at this month. One is the Feast day of our Parish. The present pandemic doesn't make it look for good us though. We will be canceling our invitation to our invited novena speaker and reserve him for next year. Hopefully, he doesn't have any schedule yet. Let's pray for that. The other is the Loaves and Fishes that very many of you love to support and participate. It is going to happen in July 13th. We once again need your generous supoort on this.
Finally, as we return to our in-church public celebrations, please take time also to take your stewardship envelopes. We are giving them another two weekends, after which, they will be taken away. If you need them mailed to you, please call the parish office to let us know and we would gladly do it for you.