Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Best wishes for a blessed, healthy and joyous EASTER!
"Easter has always entailed choices. People always had to make a decision
whether to believe or not to believe. The good news is that even if our first impulse, like Thomas’, is to disbelieve, if we give it a chance, if we are open,
just like the sign, we can revise our reading.
If we are honest with ourselves, this whole business of the pandemic raises a nagging question:
“Where is the Lord in all this?”
It’s the classic Easter question.
And we have to choose our answer:
Do we say “NOWHERE“–
or “NOW HERE“?
We need to make our choice.
We can choose to believe
that nothing–or no one–is here.
Or we can choose Easter."-Pins of Light
Thank you for embracing our most precious faith. Thank you for believing in our Resurrected Lord. Thank you for holding on, for helping each other and for continued love for each other. Just as we are here for each other, our Risen Lord is also here for us all!
God Loves Us,
Fr. Lines Dela Cruz