I'm writing to give you aheads up so that nobody gets surprised on the changes made on Mass times this Father's Day Weekend. After evaluation of our Eucharistic celebrations last weekend, our schedule of Masses is moved to
9:00am and 11:00am. The
9:00am Mass will remain LIVE-streamed (11:00am will not). Thus, those who are still uncomfortable celebrating the In-Church Sunday Mass or cannot be seated in church due to our limited seats, can join us at the In-Car Parking Lot Mass located on the right side of the solar panel shed/pathway facing the FDC entrance. Please do not forget to bring your devices.
Allow me to thank everyone for the huge success of last week's celebrations. They went very well and orderly. Parishioners were patient and cooperative and were happy with our celebration. Volunteers really did a great job. Kudos to the following:
Ushers who warmly welcomed parishioners, directed them where to be seated and where to exit, and collected stewardship and sacrificial gifts.
Extraordinary Ministers who went pew by pew to give out Communion assisted by helpers who kept sanitizing the ministers' hands
Cantors and organists of the two Masses
Parish staff who set up the In-car Parking Lot
And the Knights who saw to it that everyone was safe by sanitizing our church every after Mass. They also acted as parking lot attendants at the In-car parking lot Mass.
To all of you, guys, thanks a million for your faithful support of our parish church,for your precious presence, time, talent and treasure. God who cannot be outdone in His generosity will reward you a hundredfold. Hope to see you again this Sunday.