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Stained Glass Windows Tour
Windows: Group One - Big Windows
Window I. Universal Call to Holiness
Window II. The American Saints Window
Window III. Holy Family Triangle
Windows: Group Two
Window I. The Birth of Mary
Window II. Saint Ann With Mary
Window III. The Annunciation
Window IV. Visitation
Window V. Nativity
Window VI. Finding Jesus in the Temple
Window VII. Jesus With Mary and Joseph
Window VIII. Healing of the Blind Ones
Window IX. Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
Window X. Jesus on the Cross
Window XI. Resurrection
Window XII. Ascension
Windows: Group Three
Window Ten (A). The Heart of Mary
Window Ten (B). John the Evangelist
Window of the Mystical Rose
Blessed Mother
Saint Joseph
Saint Ann and Mary
Catherine Haggerty Room
Daily Chapel Windows
Saint John Vianney
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Grief Support Groups Mercer County
Funeral Readings | Old Testament
Funeral Readings | New Testament
Funeral Readings | Gospel
Miraculous Medal Novena
Saint Ann Novena
Saint Ann Novena - Prayer Booklet
Solemn Novena of St. Jude
Taizé Prayer
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Promise to Protect
Eucharistic Revival
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Faith in Our Future
Global Catholic Network
Catholic Charities
The Monitor
Saints for Kids
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mass Finder
Church of Saint Ann
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
(609) 882-6491
Parish Office hours:
mon-fri ~
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
10/12-13 - Mt. Carmel Guild Raffle Ticket Sale at ALL Masses
Contact Us
Religious Education
Contact Us
Parishioner Update
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Faith Development Center Tour
Stained Glass Windows Tour
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Generations of Faith (GOF)
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Intergenerational Education
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Baptism and RCIA
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Administration and Stewardship
Prayer, Celebration, Worship
Faith Formation & Life Long Learning
Community Life
Ministry of Peace, Justice, Service
Centering Prayer
Eucharistic Adoration
Funeral Preparation
Miraculous Medal Novena
Saint Ann Novena
Solemn Novena of St. Jude
Taizé Prayer
Weekly Bulletin
Bulletin Archive
Parish Calendar
Calendar Reservation Form
Pastoral and Financial Report
News Archive
Photo Albums
Saint Ann School
St. Ann's Endowment Fund
St. Michael's Church - Live-stream Channel
San Andres - Guatemala
Diocese of Trenton
Promise to Protect
Eucharistic Revival
Vocations - Diocese of Trenton
Faith in Our Future
Global Catholic Network
Catholic Charities
The Monitor
Saints for Kids
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mass Finder
Funeral Readings | New Testament
Centering Prayer
Eucharistic Adoration
Funeral Preparation
Grief Support Groups Mercer County
Funeral Readings | Old Testament
Funeral Readings | New Testament
Funeral Readings | Gospel
Miraculous Medal Novena
Saint Ann Novena
Solemn Novena of St. Jude
Taizé Prayer
1 Corinthians 2.6-10 - "Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard..."
1 Corinthians 15.12-20 - "If there is no resurrection of the dead..."
1 Corinthians 15.20-28 - "In Adam all die, so too if Christ shall all be brought to life."
1 Corinthians 15.51-57 - "Death where is your victory?"
2 Corinthians 4.14-5.1 - "The one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us..."
2 Corinthians 5.1.6-10 - "We would rather leave the body and go home..."
1 John 3.1-2 - "Beloved, we are God's children now..."
Philippians 3.7-14 - "...I run toward the prize to which God calls me..."
Philippians 3.20-21 - "He will change our lowly body..."
Revelation 21.1-5a,6b-7 - "...I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem..."
Romans 5:1,5-11 - "...We were reconciled to God through the death of his Son..."
Romans 6.3-9 - "...if we have died with Christ...we shall live with him..."
Romans 6.3-4,8-9 - "...if we have died with Christ...we shall live with him..."
Romans 8:31-35, 37-39 – “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Romans 14.7-9.10-12 - "This is why Christ died and came to life"
2 Timothy 4.1-2.6-8 - "I have competed well, I have finished the race..."