During this time of Covid-19 and parish restrictions, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is suspended until further notice!
Parents bring your children to the 9:30 a.m. Mass to participate in this program designed for your children.
CLOW is a program that the parish offers to all children between the ages 4 and 8 years old most Sundays. Children are dismissed to the Community Room after the opening prayer. Parents are welcome to join their young children. Children’s Liturgy of the Word includes readings, the psalms, a reflection and a learning activity all done at a level young children understand and appreciate. Children return to the main church (Mass) at the beginning of the preparation of the gifts.
How can you help?
Adult Leaders—to lead the sessions—readings, prayers and reflection. Leaders are scheduled on a rotating basis; detailed resources for the preparation and reflection are provided by the Religious Education Office.
Child Leaders—to carry the Children’s Lectionary in the Entrance and Dismissal Processions with the Adult Leader.
How do you volunteer? Please call 609-882-6491, ext. 116.