Ten priests of the Diocese will share reflections for a new diocesan video series entitled “Living Lent.” Produced by the Department of Multimedia Production, the project will feature 2-3 minute reflections from each priest offering viewers a deeper understanding of the upcoming Penitential season.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday, the Diocese will post one new reflection in English and Spanish on each of the first five Wednesdays of Lent. The videos can be viewed on
TrentonMonitor.com and
DioceseofTrenton.com, as well as across diocesan social media.
The featured priests and the order in which they will appear follow: (Week 1) Msgr. Richard D. LaVerghetta/Father Javier Diaz-Munoz; (Week 2) Father James Grogan/Father Rene Pulgarin; (Week 3) Msgr. R. Vincent Gartland/Father Neiser Cardenas; (Week 4) Father Michael Kennedy/Father Miguel D. Valle, and (Week 5) Father William J. Lago/Father Carlos Florez.