As announced, we shall have an Outdoor / In Car Parking Lot Mass at St. Ann's this Sunday, May 24th at 9:30AM.
Please click here for our strict guidance. Safety and wellness are our first concern as we do this opportune time of being gathered together for the first time even if at parking lot only. We have 110 available parking spots only, so we will do this on a 'first come first serve basis'.
Outside parking (along the roads) will be available for volunteers (clergy, lector, EMHCs and assists, musicians, ushers, traffic attendants, and video operators). The State's order to have no more than 10 inside the church will still be followed. Thus, we will request the EHMC to please wait in their cars and proceed only to the main doors of the church or the FDC when it is time for you to receive the 'ciborium'.
Please take note that RECEPTION OF COMMUNION will happen at the END OF THE MASS as you EXIT THE PARKING LOT. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion together with their sanitation assists (with sanitizer and gloves on) and the usher who will be receiving your stewardship envelopes will be stationed on both sides of the exit. Please follow the direction of our volunteer traffic attendants for safe and orderly manner.
On a final note, please...those with a COVID-19 diagnosis or symptoms, those not feeling well, or in a high risk category should NOT visit church or attend the Parking Lot Mass. Let us be charitable to ourselves as well as to others.