The Church of Saint Ann is excited to announce that we are working on a new approach to Catholic Campus Ministry at Rider University in conjunction with the Faith Justice Fellowship (FJF) Program. The Fellowship is a residential year of service program for young adults that runs annually from September – June, during which time the Fellows work full-time at a local “sponsoring organization” in/around Trenton, New Jersey. The Church of Saint Ann will host one of this year's Faith Justice Fellows, Karalyn Rennie.
Starting in September, Karalyn will be with us fulltime to build a collaborative relationship with and robust campus ministry at Rider University. Please join us in offering her a warm Saint Ann welcome! Originally from Doylestown, PA, Karalyn is a recent graduate from Providence College in Providence, RI. She majored in Mathematics and minored in Theology. She was involved in PC's Peer Ministry Program all four years, orientation, and the pep band. For the past two summers, she has lived in residence at the CASA (the parish convent next to Saint Ann School) as a member of Leaderworx. You might have seen her. She is excited to join the rest of the staff at Saint Ann’s for this year and to work with the Rider University Community. She can be reached at [email protected].