Tomorrow is already Palm Sunday and Easter is, therefore, almost here. As we all know, before Easter we first have to go through the Holy Week. Christ first agonizes in the garden, is betrayed, shares the last supper, is given the crown of thorns, is beaten, humiliated, carries the cross, is crucified and dies… to give us Easter. The whole world at this time has been on COVID-19 Good Friday that we must get through, and we pray for Easter Cure to come soon!
All parishes in the Diocese of Trenton were asked to close churches and chapels. This is in compliance with the state-mandated safety regulations. We rightfully have to close our doors to help stop the spread of the virus.
Our church doors are now closed. But that does not mean that the Church of Christ is shut down with closed doors. Let us be reminded that the true church is not the sanctuary made up of brick and mortar we go to on Sundays. The true church is the people of God; we are the Church! While we lock the doors of our brick and mortar church, we keep open the doors of our hearts in charity and allow the Christ in us to flow and be shared with everyone.
Please know that we have been livestreaming our liturgies on YOUTUBE every day at 9.30am since Monday. I hope that you are able to watch and join. Here's the link:
Thank you Duke Del Prado, Eric Solidum and Deacon Frank Golazeski who made this possible for us. Because of your help we are now able to bring our parish liturgies into the homes of many. For the Holy Week livestream schedule, please check the schedule below.
Since our buildings have been mandated to close, it is a challenge indeed to receive donations in kind. If, however, you have them already with you, the best we can do for now is to leave them by the FDC entrance door (rear of church) and we will just bring them in for you.
Due to this ‘closure mandate’, we encourage you, donors, to send your help by mailing either grocery cards and/or monetary checks. Please write on the memo that it is a ‘Donation for the Poor’ so that there won’t be a mixed up with parish contributions. Please continue to help us help them. Thank you.
Also, we appeal to you to continue using your weekly envelopes in support of St. Ann Parish. To those who are able, please send in your donations by mail or use Faith Direct, our parish online giving.
Rest assured that I embrace you all in my prayers. You and your family are always included in the masses Msgr. Casey and I celebrate privately. Stay safe and Pray!